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Capacitor Web/PWA Plugin Guide

Capacitor utilizes a web/native compatibility layer, making it easy to build plugins that have functionality when running natively, as well as when running in a PWA on the Web.

Getting Started

To get started, first generate a plugin as shown in the Getting Started section of the Plugin guide.

Next, open your-plugin/src/web.ts in your editor of choice.


The basic structure of a Web plugin looks like this, follow the comments inline for more explanation:

import { WebPlugin } from '@capacitor/core';
import { MyPlugin } from './definitions';

export class MyPluginWeb extends WebPlugin implements MyPlugin {
  constructor() {
    // Call super with the name of our plugin (this should match the native name),
    // along with the platforms this plugin will activate on. For example, it's possible
    // to use a web plugin for Android and iOS by adding them to the platforms list (lowercased)
      name: 'MyPlugin',
      platforms: ['web'],

  async echo(options: { value: string }) {
    console.log('ECHO', options);
    return options;

// Instantiate the plugin
const MyPlugin = new MyPluginWeb();

// Export the plugin
export { MyPlugin };

// Register as a web plugin
import { registerWebPlugin } from '@capacitor/core';

Finally, make sure your src/index.ts has this line:

export * from './definitions';
export * from './web';


Custom Capacitor plugins are merged into Capacitor Core and thus are accessed through object destructuring. To use a plugin’s features in a PWA, import the plugin package in addition to importing from Capacitor Core.

If you don’t import the plugin, registerWebPlugin won’t get called, resulting in Capacitor not finding the web implementation. Native implementations are automatically detected by Capacitor.

// Import plugins from Capacitor Core
import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
// Import custom plugin package for web support too
import 'my-plugin';

// Destructure custom plugin from core plugins
const { MyPlugin } = Plugins;
await MyPlugin.echo({
  value: 'Hello from web!',
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